Thursday, May 19, 2016

New Finish Line!

Time to blow the dust off my bucket list..... again! Third time is the charm, perhaps?

I am registering this weekend for a half marathon this fall - yikes! I am excited, nervous, scared & wondering WTF all at the same time. I have actually registered for 2 in the past and something has always come up that has prevented me from completing my training. This time I am really determined to stick to training, build up my mileage and endurance SLOWLY (no shin splints please) and complete my first half.

I don't know why but this is just something I want to do. The distance to me seems daunting although I know people that run marathons and ultra marathons. But for me - this will be the longest distance I have ever run. So far - that has been 6 miles. Gulp.

Please wish me luck and send positive thoughts my way! I will need it and yes I will be posting a lot of boring "hey I ran today!!" posts because that will be motivating to me :)

There are a few races to choose from in the fall but I decided to pick a local one (less stress with travel) and one with good reviews and swag :) Also - this race goes right by the end of our street so - my hubs can set up shop with the pups and cheer me on around mile 11. So... this fall I will be running the Rock n' Roll St Louis Half on October 16th!

My friend Erin will be running with me too - she has done a few and also at least one marathon but - I am excited she will be training and running with me to keep me accountable. And when i say she is running with me - I mean she will be running the same day as me :) She is a wee bit faster than me as I am SLOW but.... still running nonetheless ;) This was us (me, Erin & her hubs) at the STL St. Patrick's Day race a couple years ago...5 miler.

Right now I am running about 2-3 miles 3-4 times a week. This weekend will be 4 miles. And so it begins :)

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