Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Things are looking up!

Oh the difference a week can make! Exactly one week ago I was feeling terrible... I went to work last Wednesday and as I was driving in, I kept having 3 second dizzy spells where I felt like things were spinning and I was about to pass out. Then I would snap into clarity and feel fine - such a bizarre feeling. I managed to walk up two flights of stairs (would have been a great day to take the elevator... stubborn I know) and as soon as I put my laptop bag down I felt like I was going to pass out. I thought hmmm maybe I just need to get something in my system. I walked over to our cafe across the atrium and bumped into 2 of my peers. "Good Morning! Hey what's up! How are you feeling?"...I turned around to answer and just burst into tears.....ugh not good!

After sitting down for a few minutes in my boss's office - decided it was best if I go home to get some rest... something was not right but I didn't know what. "Yes I feel bad but good enough to drive....No I am not dizzy"....totally lying through my teeth but I honestly just wanted to get home and lay down.

As soon as I got home (after driving the exact speed limit in the far right lane with the plan to pull hard to the right if I passed out - again stubborn ass I know) I immediately text my boss that I got home safe, laid down on the couch and passed out for about 3 hours of solid sleep. Pure exhaustion like I have never felt before. Awful. I thought for sure my heart issues and fib had spiraled out of control and thank god I was going in for another cardioversion the next day.  I was worried and so upset that this was happening. I mean shit, I was running my ass off and feeling great 6 months ago...WTF!

Fast forward to the next day and after multiple EKGs it was determined that my heart is in normal sinus rhythm - YAY! no getting shocked under anesthesia today - YAY! The medication was working but....working a little too well as my heart rate was very very low (like in the 30s/40s) with very low blood pressure which was causing me to feel so terrible, so exhausted & zombified.... my blood was not being pumped efficiently through my body which is why I felt so dizzy and weird. My cardiologist adjusted some of my meds and cut the amount of Metoprolol in half (beta blocker that affects my heart rate and circulation). It has been a week since that has happened and I feel a million times better!

I have even started working out again - 30 minutes on the elliptical and light weights - and I feel so much damn better! I cannot stress how happy this makes me :)

So the plan is for me to follow up next Friday (happy St Patricks Day to me) and see how things are going - more EKGs to see if I am still in normal sinus rhythm and see how my heart rate is doing and if my medication needs adjusting again. I am hoping to continue to lessen my meds on this journey and take as little as possible. 

But for now - I will take what I can get and am feeling very happy that I am feeling so much better and stronger and able to get some exercise back in my life.

On another note - I have rejoined weight watchers to get more accountable with my nutrition - it is going well, I have lost about 8 lbs so far. I was worried my meds would slow down my weight loss but I've decided to just do the best I can with what I've got right now - making better choices and getting in workouts when I feel up to it and hoping I will continue to see slow and steady losses and the scale go down. More to come on that journey of course!

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