There is an IG account I follow that focuses on self-care and maintaining a healthy relationship with food, your self and others - Danikabrysha is her IG handle. Anyway - she posted something the other day that stuck with me - the essence being if something does not serve you mentally, physically or spiritually - it's time to let it go. I have done a LOT of reflection on this and what this means to me. This has resulted in me purging a lot of things in my life (or planning to) and lots of inner reflection on why certain habits, relationships, possessions or "things" I want or have are so important to me and - do they really serve my true needs and self goals. And what are my actual goals in all those areas anyway? Lots of thinking going on here :)
Anyway - my mind is swirling with all this in tandem with a time in our life where a lot of craziness/change will be coming up for us (more on that to come) - but we have been celebrating a bit more than usual lately. I really want to rein this in but, I tend to get caught up in the moment and fun. I want to be more mindful and present in the moment. So in effort to do so I reflected this weekend on my health goals and decided to try setting a few goals each week and share them out here for accountability (mainly to myself as it is in black and white). Nothing crazy but - I feel like having 3 goals each week that pivot around a my health in an effort to be more grounded, focused and present... is a positive movement towards a healthier me.
This week's goals.....
#1 - More Movement! I want to try and hit 10K steps a day. I accomplished this on Saturday by walking the dogs, elliptical and just moving more in general. I also was reminded after my workout Saturday that positive endorphins from cardio is a real thing for me. I get such a boost of happiness and positive vibes post-workout - and it reduces my anxiety level - which has been higher than usual lately. Exercise truly is the best therapy for me.
#2 - Water! Up the H20. I have been researching and doing Ashley Math (not always reliable ha)- and by my calculations I should be drinking around 90 oz of water a day. I would say I typically drink 1/2 that so.... time to up the dosage! Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate - plus it's good to help clear up my skin so there's that too.
#3 - Limit the Booze! - after tonight (meeting up with a girlfriend for dinner/drinks) - no booze until Friday and, limit to 2 drinks when partaking. This is one of my biggest challenges as I love my vino - as this is much discussed on here-- I. Can. Do. This.
Starting out simple and hoping to build on these - wish me luck, especially with the wine part :)