Tuesday, January 31, 2017

I am alive...sorta

Well it is safe to say i have lost my blogging mojo. I can remember when i used to blog almost daily - at a minimum a couple times a week! Not so much lately.

Lots going on since I last blogged...the holidays flew by in a whirlwind! I still can't believe Christmas is over and the Easter candy is already out at the stores - I am trying to make a conscious effort to s-l-o-w the F down and enjoy life more but damn...here we are on the eve of February and I find myself wondering where January went!

So a little catch up... I hurt my back a bit in early January. I was doing something extremely physical and demanding.... I was at yoga focusing on holding my scorpion pose oh so perfectly still.

Ha. No...I wish :(

In actuality, I was in my car and turned to look behind me. Because you know, turning around is physically fucking taxing. WTF?? How do you pull your back out TURNING around??

Anyway - I turned and felt the muscles in my middle back tighten up and it progressively got worse as the day went on. I was in excrutiating pain by the end of the day. It was the oddest sensation - every time i moved an arm or a leg or really anything...I could feel the muscles around my middle back tighten up around my spine like a boa constrictor. Weird analogy but, it is the only way I can accurately describe it. So weird and so painful.

It took a few weeks of taking it easy and self medicating with left over oxycontin i found in our hall closet. Classy, right? Yep lame i know but i did NOT want to drag myself to the doctor and hear some bad news. And I am stubborn as hell. Thankfully my pain has resolved and I am good to go. And I slept REALLY awesome on the oxycontin. I can see why people can get addicted to that stuff - kinda scary. I was a little relieved when I took the last one - that's all i need is to add oxycontin to my list of bad habits!

So - back pain is gone and I am ready to get serious about working out again and BOOM.... cold, which I thought was the flu, which I overmedicated on Mucinex, which apparently threw my heart for a curveball & long story short...ended up with a diagnosis of a-fib or atrial fibrillation  - basically my heart beats wildly and out of rhythm, blood does not properly leave my heart and thus increasing my chance for stroking out. Nice.

I had a procedure last week where they put me under anesthesia and shocked my heart back to normal. My cardiologist (omg i still can't believe i have a cardiologist - ugh) is very puzzled as I am "young" for this to randomly show up and otherwise very healthy - thank god. I follow up with him tomorrow to find out if my heart is still beating normally or, it I have digressed back into a-fib.

Honestly, it is hard for me to tell as I was basically asymptomatic before. I just thought I was tired. Or needed to get back in the gym. Or eating like shit. Or drinking all the wine. Or taking all the oxy.  Which yeah I am sure that was great for my heart now come to think of it. Or all of that, all at once.

Anyway - I will find out more tomorrow. Until them I am at a minimum on heart meds & blood thinners for the next 6 weeks to lower my chances of stroking out and.....have a nice burn mark on my chest from where they shocked me. It is kinda the shape of Georgia... which is really not the look I am going for here.

Looking at this picture now (taken day after my procedure) I can say it has improved. Thank you coconut oil.

And so.... going through this somewhat hellish/stressful January has made me realize I need to take really good care of myself and get right in my head and heart. See what i did there? And right in my skinny jeans. Time to refocus and get real. More on that to come..... and I promise I will try to blog again before three months fly by again :)